Friday, March 18, 2016

Post Saint Paddy Post and Politics

After a long hiatus, the chosen one hath returned! Yes, I know, I know, it has been a while. But I am glad to be back to write about my busy life for those of you bored enough to read about it. =)
Now, lately, there has been non-stop news about the upcoming election year. Nice seg-way right? After watching the news about the upcoming presidential campaigns, I couldn't help feeling a bit disgusted at what I have been seeing;especially on the republican side. As you may or may not have known, I am a full blue liberal democrat and will always see myself as such. Today, my very political beliefs have been hardened due to the negative rhetoric that is blasted from the far right of the political spectrum. I can't imagine how annoyed and frustrated it must be to even be a republican. I actually kind of feel sorry for them, but at the same time know that this is something that the republican party deserve because of their known behavior, fear and hate mongering, and just overall disenfranchisement against minority groups. (Example, see Flint, Michigan, voter I.D. and abortion laws in red states.) I've come to call it, "passive racism/sexism." This is a problem that has unveiled itself among the  Republican party and it is something that they will now have to handle; which will eventually end badly for the Republican party. I can tell you this with great confidence only because I only see two end results after this year's election cycle.  First,the Republican party will lose confidence from their own supporters (through maintaining the status quo and a brokered convention to remove their party nomination of Donald Trump) and second, there will be a major shift in political power in congress that will benefit the Democrats. I firmly believe that the rift within the Republican party could cause its own movement in empowering a third party to develop on its own and someday become a force that can very well change the dynamics of the current two-party system. Thus creating either a stronger Independent Party or a movement towards another, more extreme right-wing party. I know that these concepts could appear far fetched and may not occur at all. But the possibility of it even happening grows as we look deeper into the fissures that are within the republican party. Mainly with the current polls showing Trump winning by a landslide in many of the state's recently held caucuses. Because of Trump's rise, many within the party establishment are fighting against him and attacking him. The Republican party will NOT support Trump, this fact is clear as day. However, there is a silver lining to this which I will say with great hesitation, without Trump, there wouldn't have been a split within the Republican party, which I think will eventually lead to greater democratic victories in the southern red states and eventually victory for the democrats in this coming election year. With all of this in mind, the democratic candidates are well on their way and it would be very apparent that Hilary is driving towards the nomination, however I still wouldn't take Bernie Sanders out. If you noticed that most if not much of the states accounted for, many of the bigger states have resulted in an extremely close race. Take for example in Missouri, where Bernie and Hillary both ended in a virtual tie. ( Although Hillary ended up with a win, it was still a very, very, close race.) Perhaps I am sounding a little biased, but I still believe that Bernie could come out with a win. Looking forward to the conclusion of this year's crazy campaign cycle so that we can all move on with our busy lives. Until next time...

Friday, May 30, 2014

Back at it AGAIN!

Well then...Much to catch up on. I just graduated! Yay for me right? But you may wonder why I am not writing in all caps or why I do not sound so enthusiastic. Well, the thought that immediately comes to my mind is, "What now?"and "I need a job..." These two statements are hugely important because if you don't realize, we all may have at some point created a form of debt in college. Therefore I have to find a sufficient means to pay that debt back. So even though I am very excited and happy for all of you and for myself for graduating, my question to you is, "What next?" Don't put it off, and forget it until it comes around. Prepare now and don't let it surprise you. I made that mistake a while back when I first graduated with my bachelors. Start owning up to yourself and find your next step in life. Whew, that was quite a soap box no? Are any of you excited for the upcoming Weenie Roast? I am. BUT I wish I can go there...Unfortunately for me I am stuck looking for a job since I have no means necessary of even paying for the tickets and getting there as I had recently finished school. If one can dream and make dreams a reality in an instant...Wait. There is one song that can do that. It can help subside this feeling and take me away to a far away place, back into the days of yore...

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Wow, has it been this long? Really? A lot has happened to me over these past couple of months. Not to mention the amount of crap I had to deal with, especially with having to find a new job, and waiting for graduate school to start up again in the fall. What's that you say? Why didn't you graduate in May? Well folks, here is a little recap for you. My counselor failed to remind me of some prerequisites that I needed to take care of, and when I did, lo and behold, it was too late for me to register for classes...Can you believe it? Now looking at me, having quit my previous job that I loved, now unemployed and waiting...Well fortunately for you all I am still doing well, just planning how I will enjoy this summer. Whew! That was quite a bit of complaining, sorry about that folks! Now, let's get back to some fun stuff! I heard this amazing jam while I was listening to the music ninja, which is by the way an amazing music blog, which I suggest all of you to listen to. As I was listening, I came across this amazing track by Absofacto. It is so melodic, it's almost as if it transports you back into time. A time where things were simple, a time when I was a child and I could sing and dance in my undies without a care in the world. You will see what I mean when you take a gander here.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oregon Trip


I got to say, this is one of the best home made videos I have ever seen. It almost makes me want to pick up a GOPRO and travel to the Oregon trail this summer for some cycling fun. Props to my cousin and his friends for taking such amazing footage. Great work and I would definitely recommend that you guys check this video out.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Online Dating...

"Ok. Um, after sending 10 messages to you. What now?"

Is it me or is online dating the new trend that everyone loves and everyone forgets. That's what it appears to me. Especially when you go through all of the hussle and tussle of just filling out your account information, which alone could take up an hour or two. Not only that, but you will also notice the instant gratification of seeing potential matches, whom of which will most likely never respond to your messages. Has it come to this? To where we see photos and profiles of people to whom we have no chance of ever meeting or speaking to? This is just from my experience and I can tell you, it is already hard meeting people in L.A., and now the problem is compounded when you are on the internet without a chance in hell of talking to someone half decent. Take for example the website OKcupid, I only use this site because it is free and I get to message people without ever having to pay a dime. So I thought to myself, "Perfect!" But what I didn't realize was that once I got on, even though I found several potential matches, only a few would deem me to be a potential mate and respond to my messages. It almost feels as if dating in itself has become even more annoying.

So, what is the problem? Is it society as a whole that contributes to this lackluster approach to dating?
I have met other people outside of Los Angeles, and to me, it appears to be a lot easier to meet and get to know one another once I ventured outside of SoCal. And from this experience alone, I can tell you, with a definitive YES. That I do believe that the society that we live in, especially within the confines of Los Angeles, people have become so self absorbed with their own needs and their own petty selfishness, that they have isolated themselves from each other. I think the only person to blame are those who take in this so-called  life style that is Los Angeles. We are the ones to blame, and that is not to say that I am not apart of this, I also take fault in this elitism that is LA. But, I have already evolved, and I have come to realize that there is more to life; more to a partner then appearance, social status, job and so forth. It is the fundamental chemistry that we all share as human beings. This chemistry is what makes and creates these relationships that we seek and without it, there is nothing but an empty shell. So yes, I am still using OKcupid, and I am willing to try, and I am still single...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Stephen Colbert is hilarious!

I was watching Stephen Colbert the other day, and if you haven't seen the show, you should certainly do. He is so darn funny! Anywho, enough of the free advertising, he was discussing how an old renaissance painting in a spanish church was recently restored by an amateur artist without the church's permission! Apparently she took it upon herself to do the painting without realizing that the church just received a donation from the original artist's distant relative to restore it. You can see the before and after photo below. Tell me if you can see the difference...

Here's a short news reel about the painting:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Johnny Cash

You know when I was a young one, I never really knew much about country music. But if I was asked to name a country music singer, one name comes to mind, and that name is Johnny Cash. This guy has the goods and when I heard the song "hurt," I will never to this day forget the way it sounded. You are all probably wondering why I am talking about the great Johnny Cash. Well here's why, just a few moments ago, I stumbled upon something today that totally freaked me out. At first I thought it was some video game over my radio play list on Hypem, but when I heard the melody, I instantly knew who it was. Good o'l Johnny Cash. So here I'd thought to share this nice little remix for your listening pleasure. Keep in mind, love it or hate it, it does have a very unique twist. A lot like the twists you see in the Zelda games that we all use to play when SNES was the shiz. Hope you enjoy.